February 11, 2007

"There's No Such Thing As a Free Lunch"

We've all heard about those wonderful free vacations....where ALL YOU HAVE TO DO is sit through a daily 3 hour timeshare presentation with the good ol' friendly salesperson pressuring you to buy buy buy! But, believe it or not, there are a lot of free lunches out there requiring little or no effort just waiting for you to act. Ok, maybe on a metaphysical level, nothing is free because there's an opportunity cost to everything. But, with little more than a click of the mouse while you're watching those Everybody Loves Raymond re-runs, you can pick up some great swag:
  • Fatwallet Free Stuff: Just off the tops of our heads, Fatwallet's Free Stuff forum has led us to all sorts of free swag including calendars, cigars, books and cookbooks, cat food, address labels, movie tickets, toothpaste, DVDs and subscriptions to over 10 magazines.

  • Craigslist: One man's trash is another's treasure. If the city you live in has a Craigslist presence, check out the free stuff link. Free space heater any one?

  • Freecycle: Similar to Craigslist except you have to give something away first before getting invited to the party.



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